"How Long Should You Leave an Air Purifier On?" - Unraveling the Myths and Facts

In the modern age, we’ve become increasingly attuned to the pollutants that surround us outside. Smog alerts in big cities, reports of rising pollen counts, and concerns over emissions have become common topics of conversation. Yet, a less visible but equally pressing concern has been steadily rising: the quality of the air we breathe inside our homes and workplaces.
When I began my journey into environmental science over two decades ago, indoor air quality was an area only just beginning to gain the attention it deserved. The perception was simple – if our homes looked clean and smelled fresh, then surely the air within them was pure. How misleading this idea was.
I'll never forget the winter morning when my younger sister, Amelia, then just a child, woke up with a severe coughing fit. A vibrant, sprightly girl, she was rarely unwell, so this sudden bout of respiratory distress was alarming. We quickly learned that Amelia was reacting to the increasing levels of indoor pollutants in our home. The culprits? A combination of pet dander, pollen brought in from the outside, and even the lingering odors from last night's dinner. The very air she was breathing, the air that we all assumed was safe, was making her sick.
That was my wake-up call. My personal connection to the effects of poor indoor air quality became the bedrock of my mission in life. If my own family could be impacted this way, how many others out there were unknowingly breathing in harmful pollutants within their sanctuaries? 
Now, with this introduction in place, we can proceed into the nitty-gritty of air purifiers and the pivotal role they play in mitigating these very challenges.

Determining Duration: The Factors Involved

Navigating the world of air purifiers can often feel like a maze. There are so many considerations: what brand, what size, which features, and of course, how long should one keep it on? I've been down this path many times, both professionally and personally. To make informed decisions, we need to consider several pivotal factors.
Size and Efficiency of the Air Purifier
1. The Space-to-Purifier Ratio

Every air purifier is designed to cater to a particular room size, measured in square feet or meters. Think of it as trying to fill a water tank using a pipe. The size of the pipe (or its flow rate) determines how quickly the tank fills. Similarly, an air purifier's capacity needs to match the room it serves.

During a consultancy project with a leading hotel chain, we faced a unique challenge. Their luxurious penthouse suite, a sprawling space with high ceilings, was fitted with an undersized purifier. Despite being left on for hours, guest feedback consistently reported stale air. A simple switch to a purifier with a capacity befitting the suite's size rectified the issue. Such real-life instances underline how room size critically affects purifier efficiency.

2. The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)

CADR is a numerical value that indicates the volume of filtered air delivered by an air purifier. The higher the CADR, the more air it filters per minute. It's a standardized measure, making it one of the most reliable indicators of an air purifier's performance.

When Amelia's allergies flared up during her college years, I scoured the market for an air purifier for her dorm room. CADR was my go-to metric. I needed a device that could handle the room's volume, ensuring every breath she took was as pure as possible.

Level of Indoor Air Pollution
1. Common Culprits

Every home or workspace has its unique blend of pollutants. For some, it's pet dander, a result of our furry friends leaving tiny particles behind. For others, it's the residue from cigarettes or the influx of outside pollutants, especially if living in densely populated areas or near industrial zones.

I recall a fascinating case where an avid plant lover, with a home teeming with greenery, faced recurring mold issues. The plants, while oxygenating the air, also increased its humidity, leading to mold spores in the environment. The right purifier made all the difference, countering the mold spores and ensuring the homeowner's well-being.

2. Special Circumstances

Sometimes, our activities can temporarily increase indoor pollution levels. After painting a room, fumes can linger for days. Parties, especially with smoking guests, can spike indoor pollutants. In such cases, continuous operation of an air purifier becomes essential to restore indoor air quality promptly.

Purpose of Air Purification
1. Allergy Relief

For many, like Amelia, allergy relief is the prime driver behind investing in an air purifier. Pollen, dust mites, pet dander - these common allergens can make indoor spaces a minefield for the allergy-prone. An efficient air purifier works diligently, sifting these out and providing much-needed relief.

2. Odor Elimination

Odors are more than just a nuisance. They can be indicative of lingering pollutants. Whether it's the smell of last night's fish dinner or the persistent scent of cleaning chemicals, an air purifier can be a game-changer, neutralizing these odors and ensuring a fresher living space.

3. General Health and Wellness

Beyond specific ailments or odors, there's a broader benefit to consider: our overall wellness. Clean air boosts cognitive function, improves sleep quality, and even enhances mood. My hikes in the mountains, breathing in the pristine air, always leave me rejuvenated. An air purifier, in its own way, strives to replicate that experience in our indoor spaces.

As we move forward, it becomes evident that determining the duration for running an air purifier isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. It's a nuanced decision, rooted in understanding our unique needs and the spaces we inhabit.

Activated carbon filter

PurOxygen P500


You should consider selecting an activated carbon filter. This kind of filter is the one that is perfectly suitable for effectively capturing odor molecules from the ambient air. Activated carbon is a highly porous material that is able to bind organic odor molecules.
This is not a problem because it contains millions of tiny pores that result in a larger surface area. A larger surface area makes it easier to bind organic molecules.
This is why activated carbon filters turned out to be among the top filtration solutions offered today.

HEPA filters

Recommendations for Optimal Usage
Having traversed the diverse landscapes of air quality, from commercial establishments to personal living spaces, I've garnered a repository of insights. Based on this knowledge, here are my recommendations to make the most of your air purifier.

General Usage Guidelines
1. Daily Usage Recommendations for Typical Households

For most homes, running an air purifier continuously on a lower setting is more effective than operating it for shorter periods on a high setting. This ensures consistent air quality throughout the day. On average, I suggest:

Daytime: Run the purifier on a moderate setting, given the increased activity and potential for pollutants.
Night: A low or sleep mode is often sufficient, ensuring quiet operation without compromising air quality.
2. Adjustments for More Polluted Environments

Homes near industrial areas, main roads, or construction sites often grapple with higher pollution levels. For such environments:

Increase Duration: Consider running the purifier continuously on a higher setting during peak pollution hours.
Regular Checks: Monitor the filter status frequently. Higher pollution means the filter will likely saturate faster and require more regular replacements or cleanings.
Situational Recommendations
1. Frequency Adjustments

In some cases, you might need to use the purifier more intensively:

Allergy Season: During high pollen counts, operate the purifier continuously on a moderate-to-high setting.
Illness: If a family member is sick, especially with respiratory illnesses, it's wise to run the purifier more intensively to prevent the spread and offer relief.
2. Special Scenarios

Certain situations necessitate specific responses:

Post Renovation: Paint fumes, dust, and other pollutants can linger after home renovations. Run the purifier on a high setting for several hours to expedite the cleanup process.
After Parties: Increased activity, potential smoking, or even just the mix of different perfumes and colognes can alter your indoor air. Post-gathering, turn on the purifier for a few hours on a high setting to refresh the environment.
Energy and Cost Considerations
While air purifiers are vital for health, it's also essential to be energy-conscious.

1. Balancing Needs with Consumption

Most modern air purifiers are designed with energy efficiency in mind. However, like all electronic devices, they consume power. It's a fine balance between ensuring optimal air quality and being energy-efficient. My suggestion? Invest in an Energy Star certified purifier. They consume 40% less energy than their non-certified counterparts.

2. Tips for Efficiency

Timers: Use built-in timers to reduce operation during hours when it might not be necessary, like when the house is vacant.

Regular Maintenance: A clean filter not only ensures better air purification but also runs more efficiently. Remember the penthouse suite scenario? A choked filter was one of the culprits, making the purifier work harder and consume more power.
Zoning: If you have multiple purifiers, consider zoning. Operate purifiers in areas of high activity during the day and switch to bedrooms during the night.

PurOxygen - Best air purifier for your kitchen

This air purifier is extremely easy to set up and is virtually silent. Thanks to its smart technology, you can also easily determine when it is working and when you need to change the filter. It is especially good for people with pets or if you cook a lot.
● Extremely quiet● Six-stage cleaning system● One-year warranty with full money back● Air quality indicator
● Does not cover as much area compared to other models
Key features
● Rated power 45W● Rated voltage -110-220V 50/60 Hz● CADR (particles) 123.6 ft3/min● Housing size 150 - 400 ft2● Speed modes 3 speeds● Noise level ≤ 61dB

Best Air Purifiers for your Kitchen

1. PurOxygen – Best overall

The PURO2XYGEN P500 air purifier rises above the others at filtering and purifying the air in your home. When you have to deal with impure air, permanent allergies, and noisy air purifiers, the PURO2XYGEN P500 may be your pass to the pure air you deserve.
The PURO2XYGEN has become the number one choice for a number of people for its comfort, efficacy, and capacity. It boasts a range of benefits unmatched by any other air purifier, among them an enhanced cleaning system, a noise level of 41 dB, three-speed stages, and trustworthy after-sales support. In addition to performing remarkably well in the filtration of your air, the air purifier is slim and elegant and can be conveniently located anywhere throughout the residence. Its wide range of coverage delivers clean air precisely where you wished it to be. No matter if users are concerned with having dust or pet fur in their apartments, or bad air quality in residential settings, the PURO2XYGEN outperforms the game. Featuring a UV light sanitizer that destroys microbes, allergens, as well as germs and bacteria, you can be confident that your air will be getting exponentially purer. The brand follows up these statements with extraordinary after-sales assistance, a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee, and a one-year warranty. With absolutely no risk to the customer, the PURO2XYGEN is ready to address most kitchen air quality challenges.
● Simple to use● Recognizes the air quality
● You are unable to set the fan speed in sleep mode
Key Features
● Covers 550 sq. ft.● 99.98% particle removal up to 0.3 microns● Genuine HEPA filter with UV and ionizer● 6-stage filtering● Great for mildew, dust, pet hair, and beyond

2. LEVOIT LV-PUR131 – Most cost-effective

From the back, you can already tell that the device is sturdy and durable. It is made of white hard plastic and has a black control panel on the top. The buttons are touch-controlled and there is a digital display in the center, which makes the device look sleek and modern.
Controls include a sleep mode and an automatic mode with an LED indicator. And with the three settings for the powerful fan, the unit can easily cover an area of up to 60 square meters.
As for noise levels, the unit is remarkably quiet on the low setting, though you might find it a bit noisy at high fan speeds.
Although it doesn't have a CADR rating, the LV-PUR131 does a good job of removing odors and pollutants from the air. And considering its affordable price, it's a thoroughly satisfying purchase.
● Powerful fan for quick cleaning● Filter replacement display● Handles for portability
● Touch keys without backlight● Relatively heavy
Key Features
● Able to cover up to 360 square meters● 3-stage filtration system (pre-filter, True HEPA, activated carbon)● Quiet operation (27 decibels)● 3 blower speeds with auto- and manual adjustment

3. Bissell MyAir Air Purifier (2780A) – Most affordable

Bissell MyAir is a small-sized, cylindrical air purifier for use on your kitchen worktop or floor. This air purifier features a 3-in-1 filter, inclusive of a genuine HEPA filter and an activated carbon filter that eliminates both fine dust and airborne cooking smells.
The air purifier comes with 3 fan speeds and is suggested for a 100-square-foot area. When used regularly, the filter keeps for a period of no more than three months. There is a built-in filter display that notifies you when it is time to exchange the filter.
The air purifier features a 360-degree air intake, which ensures improved airflow. It lacks an air quality detector, yet it comes with a 3-stage timer (1, 3, and 8 hours).
● Extremely quiet● Low weight● Filter change indicator
● No real HEPA filter
Key features
● Filters the air in a 100 square meter indoor space● Captures 99.7% of particles 0.3 microns or greater in sleep mode, including pollen, dust, dander, and smoke● Covers common domestic smells, pets' smells, and VOCs● Whisper quiet stages

4. Hathaspace HSP001 - Best for comforting

Do you need a handy air purifier for the kitchen? This is where the Hathaspace HSP001 enters the picture, a device widely used in many homes to get rid of smells.
Featuring five levels of depleting filtration, the device gets rid of 99.97% of airborne contaminants, complete with smoke particulates. In addition, it features a CADR rating of 160, meaning you can be confident that it will get rid of any offensive smells.
In addition, it comes with all of the comfort functions that you can ask for in an air purifier. Among them is a remote operation feature that lets you adjust the unit's power settings while not moving an inch.
It also features a timer that you can adjust anywhere from 1-12 hours. But the neatest thing about it? Even when it is operating at its maximum level, it is extremely silent and does not contribute to the noise pollution in a busy kitchen.
● Remote control● Noiseless runningRelatively lightweight
● No filter replacement display
Key features
● Remote control system mechanism● Able to handle spaces of up to 350 square meters● Sound level less than 43 decibels● Features a sleep mode feature● Features a CADR rating of 160 CBM/hour

Do you need a handy air purifier for the kitchen? This is where the Hathaspace HSP001 enters the picture, a device widely used in many homes to get rid of smells.

Featuring five levels of depleting filtration, the device gets rid of 99.97% of airborne contaminants, complete with smoke particulates. In addition, it features a CADR rating of 160, meaning you can be confident that it will get rid of any offensive smells.

In addition, it comes with all of the comfort functions that you can ask for in an air purifier. Among them is a remote operation feature that lets you adjust the unit's power settings while not moving an inch.

It also features a timer that you can adjust anywhere from 1-12 hours. But the neatest thing about it? Even when it is operating at its maximum level, it is extremely silent and does not contribute to the noise pollution in a busy kitchen.


Remote control
Noiseless running
Relatively lightweight


No filter replacement display

Key features

Remote control system mechanism
Able to handle spaces of up to 350 square meters
Sound level less than 43 decibels
Features a sleep mode feature
Features a CADR rating of 160 CBM/hour

5. Winix 5500-2 – Best automatic air purifier

One of the top performers within this list is the Winix 5500-2, and it is not difficult to understand the reason why. This bad boy is a jack of all trades thanks to its powerful output, simple-to-use controls, and intelligent sensors.
The device is capable of cleaning the air up to 360 square feet, making it perfect for a medium-sized kitchen. It purifies air in three levels, including a washable activated carbon filter, a genuine HEPA filter, addition to a Plasmawave filter.
The Plasmawave filter emits hydroxyl units into the air that effectively eliminate viruses and other germs. This special characteristic distinguishes this unit from the rest.
In addition, the auto mode feature of this air purifier recognizes smells quite fast and regulates its ventilation rate correspondingly. The LED indicator that indicates whether there is a contaminant in the air is also highly reactive.
● Low noise operation● Rigid plastic exterior for robustness● Filter change display
● Heavy● Costly replacement filters
Key Features
● Features PlasmaWave filter technology● Uses a pre-filter and a true HEPA filter● Filters can capture particles down to 0.3 microns in size

If you're aiming for particle purification, you should look into buying a device with a HEPA filter. These are ideal for catching fine airborne contaminants.
As opposed to activated carbon, which is only suitable for gaseous molecules, HEPA filters can also trap solid particles. In this way, they help clean the air and eliminate odors.
Air purifiers aren't cheap, and you obviously want the unit you buy to last at least a few years. Always prefer products that are durable and long-lasting.
Be sure to read through customer reviews to get an accurate picture of how long the unit has lasted for most users.
Some air purifiers are easier to use than others. Some units have a sole on/off button, while others may include remote controls with many complex options. If you want a product that is easy to use, stay away from remote-controlled air purifiers.
Such devices can be confusing, especially if you're in a hurry. However, they offer more customization options than units with an on/off switch. Which option you choose ultimately depends on what level of simplicity (or complexity) you're comfortable with.

    • Product

    • Summary

    • Product

    • Product

    • Summary

    • Summary

    • Puroxygen P500

    • A powerful cleaning system in a stylish and handy device. The white exterior matches the aesthetics of any room and cleans the air from dust, dander, and allergens.

    • Product

    • Puroxygen P500

    • Summary

    • A powerful cleaning system in a stylish and handy device. The white exterior matches the aesthetics of any room and cleans the air from dust, dander, and allergens.

    • Levoit LV-PUR131

    • This fantastic product can successfully eliminate unwanted odors from kitchens up to 360 square feet. So if your kitchen is a bit bigger, this product is perfect for you!

    • Product

    • Levoit LV-PUR131

    • Summary

    • This fantastic product can successfully eliminate unwanted odors from kitchens up to 360 square feet. So if your kitchen is a bit bigger, this product is perfect for you!

    • Bissell MyAir Air Purifier (2780A)

    • If you're looking for an air purifier that won't detract from the elegant aesthetics of your kitchen, choose this unit! Its honeycomb filter structure also retains up to 99.97% of 0.3-micron particles.

    • Product

    • Bissell MyAir Air Purifier (2780A)

    • Summary

    • If you're looking for an air purifier that won't detract from the elegant aesthetics of your kitchen, choose this unit! Its honeycomb filter structure also retains up to 99.97% of 0.3-micron particles.

    • Hathaspace HSP001

    • It is easy to use and has a number of features that make it ideal for the kitchen. For example, it is able to remove smaller particles and pollutants from the air, which are present in almost all cooking odors.

    • Product

    • Hathaspace HSP001

    • Summary

    • It is easy to use and has a number of features that make it ideal for the kitchen. For example, it is able to remove smaller particles and pollutants from the air, which are present in almost all cooking odors.

    • Winix 5500-2

    • This air purifier draws just 65 watts and is prepared to pick up airborne allergens, fumes, mildew spores, VOCs, as well as common domestic smells. Featuring a smart self-adjusting automatic mode that includes an air quality sensor, 4-blower settings, sleep function, plus a practical wireless control remote.

    • Product

    • Winix 5500-2

    • Summary

    • This air purifier draws just 65 watts and is prepared to pick up airborne allergens, fumes, mildew spores, VOCs, as well as common domestic smells. Featuring a smart self-adjusting automatic mode that includes an air quality sensor, 4-blower settings, sleep function, plus a practical wireless control remote.

How to Get rid of Cooking Smells in Your House

Kitchen smells can be the hardest thing to deal with and they can negatively affect not just your culinary skills (and clients, if you're cooking for a restaurant), but also your health. Below are the straightforward options on how you can eliminate kitchen smells:
Have sufficient air circulation. Make sure you invest in recirculating fans and keep your windows open.
Season spices. Use cinnamon, citrus, and cloves since they have a great flavor.
While preparing food, keep bedroom and closet doors closed to avoid smells from seeping into your bedding.
Think about getting an ozone generator. This unit will allow you to remove stinging and resistant smells in a matter of moments. Go for a gadget able to handle a big space and create a great deal of ozone.
Get the proper air purifier bag. The use of an air purifier is an affordable way to get rid of smells. It works by using activated carbon to soak up any residual smells that are left in the air. Simply take care to choose a high-quality bag that uses bamboo charcoal.
Baking soda. This chemical is renowned for its ability to absorb smells. So, add a bit of it to a bin for several hours to kill any cooking smells.
Get an air purifier. Using an air purifier is definitely the most beneficial option to eliminate cooking odors in your home. Simply check that your device features a decent quantity of filters to remove the smoke and smells within a quick amount of time.


So, as you can see, air purifiers are able to succeed in getting your kitchen rid of those nasty, undesirable cooking odors that tend to stick around. When selecting a machine, keep in mind your needs. For instance, if you own a spacious kitchen, then you need a unit that is capable of handling a bigger area. So look for it appropriately. There are plenty of outstanding items that are listed above, which means that you will certainly get one that will suit your needs.
While we personally consider all of the air purifiers listed in this review to be at the top, there is only one of them that is the real, undisputed champion. So which one is the king of kings, you wonder? Well, for us, it's certainly the PurOxygen P500.


Do air purifiers work in kitchens?

Yes, air purifiers can eliminate cooking odors by eliminating the organic gaseous molecules that cause them. Some air purifiers can also remove solid particles, ridding the air of allergens such as pollen.

Does the air purifier remove the cooking odor?

The straightforward response to this issue is yes, air purifiers that are able to get rid of smells use activated charcoal. It is important for people who are concerned about their safety to understand that activated carbon is not harmful to people and is also safe for pets.

How do I get rid of cooking smells in my house?

Well, you can find a lot of options to deal with getting rid of kitchen odors. Among the household solutions are boiling vinegar in water and putting some potpourri in the place. Alternatively, if you're in search of a more technologically sophisticated ploy, consider using an electric air purifier to eliminate the smell.

Keep the environment healthy with PurOxygen!


PurOxygen P500



PurOxygen is a part of Productech Corp., a USA-based company of portable electronics and sports goods with the head office in Miami, FL. The company's products are sold under PurOxygen, Treblab, and Dictopro brands on the global marketplaces.

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